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Our Exhibition to Brussels 20-28 April 2018

30 Mart 2018 19:16 / Mohammad Sabaaneh

Shrewsbury International Cartoon Festival

England 21 April 2018 @

Themed Exhibition: ‘Transport - Taşıma’
Exhibition Cartoon Submission details
click here - tıkla >>
Want to know more? Just fill in this contact form and we’ll get back to you.
Alternatively you can email directly;
(Daha fazla bilgi için sadece bu iletişim formunu doldurun ve size geri dönelim.
Alternatif olarak doğrudan e-posta gönderebilirsiniz;

A wide range of cartoons are on offer this year; cartoons from America, Ireland, Belgium as well as the UK, workshops, live drawing and a panel discussion. Come along to Shrewsbury this April for all manner of cartoon treats! Take a look ‘what’s on’ in the menu above.
A unique event which brings a small army of professional cartoonists from all over the UK and overseas to draw for the public. The event draws a huge audience every year with live drawing of giant cartoons in Shrewsbury Town Square as its centrepiece, alongside live caricaturing by some of the UK’s top professionals. There are also cartoon workshops for aspiring cartoonists and exhibitions of themed cartoons.
The festival presents a unique opportunity for the public see cartoonists at work, meet them in person and learn some tricks of the trade. It’s a brilliant day!


27 Mart Dünya Tiyatrolar Günü Kutlu Olsun...


Daily Güncel


Camdaki Deniz - Çizgilerle Zaman 21 Mart-15 Nisan

Sergiye Davet (Muzaffer İzgi Konulu) @

Sevgili Dostlar,
İzmir Büyükşehir Belediyemiz bu yılki 23 Nisan Şenliğini "Muzaffer İzgü anısına" yapıyor.
Bu bağlamda bir de karikatür sergisine yer vermek isterler. İzgü için çizeceğiniz belki bir İzgü portresi ya da İzgü'yü çocuklarla ele alan bir çalışmanızla bu sergide yer almanızı dilemekteyiz.
Konuya yaklaşımınız olumlu olursa yapıtınızı 10 Nisan Salı 22.00'ye değin (yüksek çözünürlüklü olarak) ulaştırmanızı beklemekteyiz.
Esenlik ve başarı dileklerimizle...

H. Halit Şekerci - Mustafa Yıldız - Y. Bekir Yurdakul

26 Mart 2018 15:17 / mıstık

Nielsbuggeaward - 2018 !

Dear participants of the Nielsbuggeaward-2018.
I'm sorry to inform you that the competition organizer (Niels Bugges Kro & Hotel) went bankrupt.
At the moment we are trying to find a way to continue the project on a smaller scale. Presumably in September
we will be able to announce the winners, how exactly and which prices we can award has yet to be clarified.

Nielsbugge award-2018) Ralph Haeusler.

25 March 2018 10:38 / Ralph Haeusler

Mehmet Aslan 'İplematik' 7-30 Nisan 2018

10th OSCARfest International Cartoon Exhibition

OSOR Croatia 10 June 2018 @

-Only For Enthusiasts!
10th OSCARfest 2018 Exhibition:OSOR Community House - July, August, September, October 2018
-Participation:The exhibition has international character, there is no age limit, or limit on the participant profession.
Theme: "Animals on a (desert) Island". (Wild & domestic animals, pets, figuratively ...)
-Works: 1 (one) Cartoon Without Words.
-Format: A4 (210x297 mm), RGB, JPEG, 200-300 dpi
-Deadline: June 1, 2018
-E-mail Address:
-Catalogue: All participants shall be sent the results and a digital catalogue by e-mail.
-Jury:International Jury Of Visitors; Visitors to the Exhibition vote for the best cartoon by secret ballot.
(#12,000 tourists from around the world on summer season, the votes ca 2,000) 
Exhibition selector: Branka Hlevnjak, MSc. (art historian, a visual critic)
If you would like to contribute to the prize fund for voters please mark your cartoon/s with an X
First place: Personal exhibition at the 11th OSCARfest 2019, Diploma, sponsorship -award
Second and Third place: Diploma, sponsorship award
Prize to first-ranked Croatian cartoonist: Personal exhibition at the 11th OSCARfest 2019, Diploma, sponsorship award
-Other Rules:Exhibited cartoons will be at organizers' disposal who can use them for promotional purposes without compensation to the author and continue to exhibit them.
Organizer may copy the selected works in two (2) copy for sponsors, awards to voters, and promotions.

10th OSCARfest 2018_Entry Form for Click here

44th Int.Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba online Catalog

Online Catalog for click here - tıklayın

Daily Güncel

Ruhunuz Şadolsun Çanakkale Kahramanları...


 Aydın İlindeki Öğrenciler Arası Karikatür Yarışması

Türkiye 20 Nisan 2018

YARIŞMANIN KONUSU : Aydın İlinin Değerleri 
TÜRÜ : Karikatür Yarışması 
HEDEF KİTLE: Aydın İli genelindeki resmi/özel ortaokul ve ortaöğretim kurumlarındaki öğrenciler. 
1. Aydın İli genelindeki resmi/özel ortaokul ve ortaöğretim kurumlarındaki öğrenciler katılabileceklerdir. 
2. Her öğrenci yarışmaya en fazla üç adet karikatür ile başvuru yapılabilir. Öğrenciler Karikatürlerini okulları aracılığıyla göndereceklerdir. Yarışmaya gönderilen eserler daha önceden ödül almamış, yayınlanmamış ve özgün olmalıdır. 
3. Eserler A4 (21cm x 30cm) ve A3 (30 x 40cm) boyutlarında olmalı, başka kâğıt üzerine yapıştırılmamalı ve paspartu yapılmamalıdır. 
4.Yarışmaya gönderilecek karikatürlerin arkasına, şartname ekinde yer alan Ek1 formu doldurularak yapıştırılacaktır. Ek1 formu olmayan eserler değerlendirme dışı kalacaktır. Formda yer alan bilgilerin gizliliği Yüksel Yalova Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi Karikatür Kulübünce sağlanacaktır. 
5. Mili Eğitim Temel Kanuna aykırı Irk, dil, din, cinsiyet ayrımcılığı yapan, şiddet ve savaş yanlısı olan, millî ve manevi değerlere aykırı, cinselliği ön plana çıkaran, siyasi amaçlara hizmet eden, kopyalanmış ve yetişkin müdahalesi içeren karikatürler ödül alsalar dahi değerlendirme sonrası yarışma dışı bırakılır. 
6. Ödül alsın veya almasın bütün karikatürler, gerektiğinde tek tek ya da kitap olarak yayınlanabilir, farklı tarihlerde okul ve kulüp tanıtımında kullanılabilir. Yüksel Yalova Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi, karikatürleri yayınlama ve sergi açma hakkına sahiptir. Yarışmaya katılan eserlerin bütün yayın ve kullanma hakları Yüksel Yalova Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi’ne aittir. Eserler geri iade edilmez. 
7. Okullar öğrencilerin karikatürlerini 20 Nisan 2018 Cuma günü en geç saat 17.00’a kadar okulumuzun posta adresine elden veya kargo ile teslim etmelidir. Kargoda ve postada oluşacak zarardan ve gecikmeden yarışmayı düzenleyen kurum sorumlu değildir. Teslim tarihinden sonra kuruma ulaşan eserler yarışmaya dahil edilmez. 
8. Karikatür Sergisinin düzenlenmesi ve ödül töreni Yüksel Yalova Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi Karikatür Kulübü öğretmenleri ve öğrencilerince organize edilecek ve düzenlenecektir. 
9. “AYDIN İLİNİN DEĞERLERİ” konulu karikatür yarışmasına katılan yarışmacılar etkinlik ve ödül töreninde çekilen fotoğraflarının yanı sıra kişisel fotoğraf ve çizimlerinin yarışmayı ve düzenleyen kuruluşu tanıtmak üzere yazılı/görsel medyada ve basılı malzemelerde kullanılacağını kabul etmiş sayılır. 
10.Karikatürlerin ön yüzünde imza, isim, tarih ve herhangi bir özel işaret bulunan eseler değerlendirmeye alınmayacaktır. 
11.Yarışmaya Yüksel Yalova Güzel Sanatlar Lisesinde çalışanlarının ve değerlendirme kurulunda bulunanların birinci derece yakınları katılamazlar. 
12.Eser sahipleri, yarışmaya gönderilen eserlerin yayın ve kullanım hakkının Yüksel Yalova Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi Karikatür Kulübüne ait olduğunu peşinen kabul eder. Yarışmaya gönderilen eserler iade edilmez. Bu yarışmaya giren öğrenci ve velisi telif hakkı, maddi manevi talepte bulunmayacağını kabul etmiş sayılır. 
13-Ödül alan Ortaokul ve Lise öğrencileri ödül törenine öğretmenleriyle birlikte katılacaklardır. 
14.Yarışmaya karikatür gönderen öğrenci, velisi ve öğretmeni yarışma şartnamesini kabul etmiş sayılır TEKNİK: Çizim tekniği serbesttir. Yarışmacılar geleneksel boyama tekniğinin yanı sıra (suluboya, kuru boya, akrilik, çini mürekkebi vb.) dijital teknolojiyi (bilgisayar çizim programları) kullanarak da karikatürlerini çalışabilirler. KARİKATÜRLERİN GÖNDERİLME ŞEKLİ: 1-Karikatürlerin arka yüzeyine (Ek 1) form eksiksiz doldurularak yapıştırılmalıdır. 2-Karikatürler zarar görmeyecek biçimde iki karton arasına konularak ambalaj yapılmalı. Rulo yapılmamalı ve katlanmamalıdır. Zarfın üzerine “1.KARİKATÜR YARIŞMASI” “ORTAOKUL KATEGORİSİ” veya “LİSE KATEGORİSİ” yazılmalıdır. 3-Eserler aşağıda belirtilen açık adrese posta/kargo veya elden teslim edilecektir. Kargo ve posta ücreti göndericiye aittir. ESERLERİ GÖNDERİM POSTA ADRESİ: “AYDIN İLİNİN DEĞERLERİ KARİKATÜR YARIŞMASI” [Lise/ortaokul(hangi kategori’de ise)] YÜKSEL YALOVA GÜZEL SANATLAR LİSESİ Mimar Sinan Mah. Ali İhsan Paşa Bulvarı 2326. Sokak No: 1 EFELER / AYDIN DEĞERLENDİRME: Seçici kurul değerlendirmesinde gizlilik ilkesi esastır. Seçici kurul tarafından yapılan değerlendirme sonucunda hiçbir eserin ödüle layık görülmemesi durumunda Yüksel Yalova Güzel Sanatlar Lisesi Müdürlüğü yarışmayı iptal etme hakkına sahiptir. DEĞERLENDİRME KRİTERLERİ: Eserlerin değerlendirilmesi aşağıda belirtilen dört kriter üzerinden ve her kriter için en az 10, en çok 25 puan verilerek yapılacaktır. a) Konuya ve amaca uygunluk b) Çizim tekniğine uygunluk c) Görsellik özgünlük d) Temizlik ..Yarışmanın diğer kuralları için aşağıdaki katılım formunu tıklayın...

Katılım Kuralları ve Form için tıklayın

17 Mart 2018 22:21 / Yüksel Cengiz

Autószektor Caricature Contest

Hungaria 31 May 2018

The Motorist Great-Coalition (H-1132 Budapest, Váci street 18.) invites all professional and amateur caricaturists to the „Autószektor Caricature Contest” with the following theme:
The Family transport
1. All participants must be a natural person over 18.
2. The contest has 1 turn. Each competitor is allowed to participate in the competition with a maximum of 5 caricatures. Entries should not content any text and should be made in A4 format. File details: CYMK, JPG, good quality, the maximum size of the mail is 10 MB.
3. The registration form – attached to this contest invitation – must be sent back signed and scanned, together with the caricatures – to the
4. Deadline: 2018. May 31.
5. Awards:
I. 150 000 HUF (minus TAX)
II. 100 000 HUF (minus TAX)
III. 50 000 HUF (minus TAX)
+ Everyone on the podium gets a diploma
6. By applying, the participants accept that any decision of the jury - in connection with this contest – is final and not appealable.
7. Announcement of results: 2018. Juny 30.
8. By filling the registration form, the participant acknowledges that the Motorist Great-Coalition - referring to the competition – can use the submitted creations free, without the purpose of gaining financial benefits. Forms of use:
- Through mediums cooperating with the Motorist Great-Coalition (;;, etc. )
- In digital or printed catalogues
- In the free publication made for the partners of Motorist Great-Coalition, which will not be merchandised
- On exhibitions, or events supported by the Motorist Great-Coalition
- As decoration
Continuous information on the
click here - tıkla
If you have any question, contact us at!
We wish you good work and a successful participation!
István Kelemen - Hungary

Application Form - Katılım Formu

12 Mart 2018 10:47 - István Kelemen

4. Uluslararası Muğla Büyükşehir Belediyesi Karikatür Yarışması

Türkiye 24 Mayıs 2018 P

Çizim tekniği serbesttir. Karikatürler bilgisayar çıktısı olarak gönderilecekse orijinal imzalı (ıslak imza) olması gerekmektedir. Gönderilecek karikatürlerin boyutu en fazla 30x40 cm. olmalıdır. Yarışmacılar en fazla 3(üç) adet karikatür gönderebilirler. Gönderilecek karikatürler daha önce yayınlanmış olabi.lir ama; hiçbir ulusal ve uluslararası yarışmada ödül almamış olmalıdır. . Son Katılım Tarihi: 24 Mayıs 2018, Perşembe..
Muğla Büyükşehir Belediyesi 4. Uluslararası Karikatür Yarışması 2018, Muğla, Türkiye
Konu: "Su Hayattır"
Hayat suda başlamıştır. İnsanoğlu da bu günlere suyla gelmiştir. Tarihte yerleşik düzenin su kenarlarında olması da bir rastlantı değildir. Suyun sayesinde uygarlık boy atmış, ilerlemiştir. Onun sayesinde beslenmiş, tarım yapmış, ürününü yetiştirmiş, uzak diyarlara açılmış, ticaretini geliştirmiştir.
İnsanlar su sayesinde beslenmişler, temizlenmişler, çevrelerini temiz tutmuşlardır. Su yoksa insanlık da yoktur. Canlılar yok olup gider. Hayat biter. İnsanoğlu hiçbir şeyin değerini bilemediği gibi suyun da değerini tam olarak bilememiştir. Aşırı savurganlıkla su kaynakları dünya için yetersiz kalmıştır. Dünyada susuzluk çeken yerler unutulmamalıdır. Acı bir gerçektir ki mevcut su kaynakları, insanlığa, doğaya yetmemektedir. Dünyayı kirleten insanlar, su kaynaklarına da büyük zarar vermektedirler. Eskiden içinde balıkların oynadığı dereler yerini balçık yuvalarına bırakmıştır. Balıklar yok olduğu gibi onların yerine atık maddeleri yüzmeye başlamıştır suların içinde.
Bu tüketim böyle sürdüğü takdirde çok yakın tarihte su kaynakları iyice tükenecektir. Küresel ısınma nedeniyle dengesi bozulan dünyanın daha da yaşanılmaz duruma geleceği bir gerçektir.
Kuraklık en büyük tehlike olarak dikilecektir karşımıza. Devletlerarasında en büyük kıyımlar su yüzünden olacaktır.
Büyük bir tehlike insanlığı beklerken yanlışın neresinden dönersek kazançtır, sloganını yaşam biçimimiz haline getirmek zorundayız. Suyumuzu gereksiz harcamadan yaşamımızı sürdürmenin bir erdem olduğunu unutmamalıyız.
Ülkemizin belki de su sorunu olmayan birkaç yerden biri olan Muğla’dan bu konuya dikkat çekmek istedik. Bu yüzden de bu yılki karikatür yarışmasında konumuzu “su hayattır, suyumuzu gereksiz harcamadan yaşamımızı güzelleştirmeliyiz” olarak belirledik. Bizler bu önemli sorunu cümlelerle anlatmaya çalıştık. Sizler, çizginin ustaları, bunu çizgilerle çok daha iyi anlatacaksınız. Tüm katılımcılara kolay gelsin. Başarılar dileriz…
Katılım Koşulları:
1-Yarışma tüm karikatürcülere açıktır.
2-Çizim tekniği serbesttir. Karikatürler bilgisayar çıktısı olarak gönderilecekse orijinal imzalı ( ıslak imza ) olması gerekmektedir.
3-Gönderilecek karikatürlerin boyutu en fazla 30x40 cm. olmalıdır.
4-Yarışmacılar en fazla 3 (üç) adet karikatür gönderebilirler.
5-Gönderilecek karikatürler daha önce yayınlanmış olabilir ama; hiçbir ulusal ve uluslararası yarışmada ödül almamış olmalıdır. Seçici kurulun aynı ya da benzer saydığı veya başka bir karikatürcüye ait olduğunu bildiği karikatürler değerlendirilmeyecektir. Her türlü olası tartışmalar, çalıntı ve benzer iddiaların sorumlusu katılımcı olacaktır.
6-Her eserin arka yüzüne katılımcıların bilgileri mutlaka yazılmalıdır. ( Ad, Soyad, Adres, Telefon, e-posta ). Bu bilgileri içermeyen eserler değerlendirmeye alınmayacaktır.
7-10-18 yaş arası genç katılımcıların başvurularına, nüfus cüzdanı fotokopisi eklemeleri mecburdur.
8-Karikatürlerin hasar görmemesi, kesinlikle katlanmaması, şartnameye uygun olarak; Muğla Büyükşehir Belediyesi 
Basın Yayın ve Halkla ilişkiler Şube Müdürlüğü 
Menteşe - Muğla 
adresine kargo, iadeli taahhütlü posta veya elden ulaştırmalıdır.
9-yarışma Jürisi’nin sergilenmeye değer bulduğu karikatürler, Muğla Büyükşehir Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Kültür Merkezi’nde sergilenecektir.
10-Muğla dışında oturan ve yarışmada ödül kazanan katılımcıların şahsına ait yol masrafları, otel ücretleri yarışma organizasyonu tarafından karşılanacaktır. Ödül kazandığı halde törene katılamayanların ödülleri kendilerine gönderilecektir.
11-18 yaş altı ödül kazanan katılımcılarımızın sadece kendisiyle birlikte gelecek anne ya da babasının yol masrafları karşılanacaktır.
12-Yol masrafları yurt içi için otobüs bileti üzerinden gidiş-dönüş olarak ibraz edilecektir. Özel araçları ile katılmak isteyen yarışmacıların yol ücretleri karşılanmayacaktır.
13-Yarışmaya gönderilen karikatürler geri gönderilmeyecektir. Katılımcılar ödül alsın veya almasın karikatürlerin her türlü kullanım haklarını MUĞLA BÜYÜKŞEHİR BELEDİYESİ’ ne devreder.
14-Yarışmaya gönderilen karikatürler içerisinden jüri tarafından seçilen ve sergilenmeye değer görülen eserler MUĞLA BÜYÜKŞEHİR BELEDİYESİ tarafından bir albümde toplanacaktır. Albümde karikatürü yayınlananlara telif ödenmeyecektir.
15-Çalışmalarını yarışmaya gönderen tüm katılımcılar, karikatürcüler yukarıdaki koşulları kabul etmiş sayılır.
Son Başvuru Tarihi: 24 Mayıs 2018 Perşembe
Jüri Toplanma Tarihi: 26 Mayıs 2018 Cumartesi
Sonuçların Açıklanma Tarihi: 28 Mayıs 2018 Pazartesi
Ödül Töreni ve Sergi Tarihi: 8 Haziran 2018 Cuma
Seçici Kurul:
1-) Gürbüz Doğan EKŞİOĞLU ( Yrd.Doç.Yeditepe Ün.Öğrt.Gör.-Karikatürcü )
2-) Şevket YALAZ ( Karikatürcü )
3-) Sait MUNZUR ( Karikatürcü )
4-) A.Kadir USLU ( Karikatürcü )
5-) Savaş ÜNLÜ ( Mizah Yazarı )
6-) Mehmet SELÇUK ( Karikatürcü - Koordinatör )
Muğla Büyükşehir Belediyesi’nden bir görevli

1th Salao Medplan de Humor online Catalog

Online Catalog for Click Here - Tıkla

45th International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 

15 July 2018 @

With online registration (via registration form available on our website) and keeping the registration by mail, the 45th SIHP comes with R $ 55,000 in prizes distributed between KHARTOUM categories, CARICATURE, CHARGE, STRIPS, GRAND PRIX and also GRADE SUBJECT from year, whose theme is "HARASSMENT". 
"" Harassment: sexual, moral, virtual ... Harassment covers a wide range of behaviors offensive in nature. It is generally understood as a behavior that disturbs or intrusive and is characteristically repetitive. It is the behavior that appears to be threatening or disturbing. Harassment refers to advances and persistent offenses and unsolicited, where the consequences of refusing are potentially very harmful to the victim. These, among others, are some approaches to be explored. "
Registration is now open and will close 15 of July. The Selection Jury on 28 and 29 July and the Award on 18 August. The opening will be on 25 August and the closure: October 14.


Cartilha Salaozinho de Humor Online Catalog

Online Catalog for Click Here - Tıkla

QUINO Online Catalog

Online Catalog for Click Here- Tıkla

13th International Cartoon Biennial

Jonzac –France 1 April 2018 @ P

Conditions of participation:
Cartoonists from all countries, of all ages, male or female.
Theme: Volare (“FLY” with or without a link with the grape vine)
Maximum 3 works. Preferably without captions.
(I) by e-mail: JPEG 300 DPI digital card format
(II) by post: only good quality copies or DIN A4 digital works. They will not be returned.
Rewards: In kind—mainly of a liquid kind, special invitations and trophies.
All artists whose artwork is selected for publication in the catalogue will receive a free copy.
Deadline: 1st April 2018
Copryight: The participants allow the organisers to publish certain of their works in the media, with the sole purpose of promoting the artist and the event, without any restriction or request for financial participation. Any other copyrights remain the property of the artist.
Exhibition: from 29 June to 8 July 2018 - Cloître des Carmes - JONZAC - FRANCE
Saturday, 30 June: Opening ceremony of the festival and festivities .
E-Mail: or :
6 Hameau Chez Dupas 
17130 Tugéras Saint-Maurice /FRANCE 

Pamera Kartun Exhibition 13 March-2 April 2018

3rd International Human Salon of ABCD / Brazil,2018

3º. ABCD International Humor Lounge Exhibition of Cartoons, Charges, Illustrations and Comic Strips.
Opening Date: August 09, 2018.
Exhibition Period: from August 9, 2018 to August 28, 2018.
Place of the Exhibition: Shopping Plaza de Moça.
Contact: 4055-4191 / email: -
Directed by: Seap - Studio Escola de Arte Paulista
Support: ACAESP - Artistic and Sports Cultural Association of the State of São Paulo
Commission Regulation: In order to participate, the Artist must submit to the works, the registration form provided by
legibly and in a signed form. For the validation, the registration is necessary that all fields are filled in correctly.
Papers can be mailed or delivered in person at the Seap, by the authorized artist or carrier. In the case of delivery by post, we request that well packed, thus avoiding any damage during transport.
They can be by email too, as long as they have great scan quality.
Remembering that we prefer to send by Post Office or in person, because the works originals are always more interesting for exposure.
Shipping Address:
Rua Benjamin Constant, 36 - Vila Santa Dirce - Diadema - SP - Brazil - CEP-09911-200
Rules for Work:
Quantity: up to 03 works per artist.
Theme: Free (humor) Technique: Free Paper Size: A-3 / Portrait
Works in landscape format will not be accepted because of the standard layout that will be used
for the exhibition of works.
The works delivered by the artists will assure them the copyright on the works.
The Salon of Humor as well as its organization, are not responsible for the use of images by third parties, as the works will be exposed.
Acaesp and Seap are authorized to make use of the images during and after the event for the respective disclosure.
First Place: - Tablet + Digitizer Table + Integral Bag at Seap
Second Place: Digital Table + 50% Seap Bag at Seap
Third Place: Kit of Drawing Material (Set of Watercolors, 01 cx. Of Colored Pencils Watercolor and Lapis Case for Drawing).
The non-withdrawal of the prizes on the day of the opening of the Salon will imply sending them via mail, with the shipping expenses paid on behalf of the winning artist.
3º SAalao Internacional de Humor do ABCD
Ficha de Inscrição: Nome/Name:___________________________________
Data de Nascimento: __/__/____ Telefone/Phone: +____ ____ ____________-_______________
Endereço/ Adress: ___________________________ __________________________________________
Cidade/ City:_____________________Estado/State:_______
País/ Country:_________________________________ Email:________________________________________ ____________________________________________
Numero de trabalhos inscritos:_______________
Nome das obras:______________________________ ____________________________________________
Obra 01: ____________________________________
Obra 2: _____________________________________
Obra: _______________________________________

Daily Güncel

Turhan Selçuk Portre İsmailkar.

1922 Milas doğumlu ve Grafik Mizahı Türkiye'ye sevdiren Turhan Selçuk'u 11 Mart 2010 tarihinde kaybetmiştik..
Kendisini saygı ve rahmetle anıyoruz..Karcomics Mizah Dergisi


29th International Festival of Comics and Games in Lodz 2018 Rules of the competition for a short comics story 

Poland - 31 July 2018

*1 A. The competition is open for everyone and there is no given theme of the works. 
B. The allowed techniques are: drawing, painting, digital art and photography. 
*2 A. A participant can submit one complete and full story, up to 8 pages. 
B. By ‘participant’ we understand: one person responsible for the story and drawings; a duo of artists; larger group of artists. One artist (drawer or writer) can be a part of many duos or groups. 
C. The pages should be in a vertical A4 (210 x 297 mm) or A3 (297 x 420 mm) format. On the back of each page there should be: title of the work, page number, name and surname of the author/s, their functions (artist/scenarist etc.), home address, e-mail and phone number. The names of the authors should be written only on the back of the page. 
D. When sending original pages, copies or prints you should enclose a CD or DVD with the digital version of the work (tiff or jpg, CMYK, A4 – 300 DPI). 
E. The package with submitted work should also include a filled-out and signed entry form of each author, available at
click here... 
F. The works should be securely packed in a stiff, cardboard folder, which should be signed, enabling the organizers to send it back to the owner by post (copies and prints will not be returned). The organizer is not responsible for lost, incomplete, damaged or untimely competition entries. 
G. The works should be sent to the following address: “EC1 Lodz – Miasto Kultury”, ul. Targowa 1/3, 90-022 Lodz, Poland with a note on the package ‘KOMIKS 2018’. The deadline for this year is July 31, 2018 (date on a post stamp will decide). 
H. The participation fee is 30 PLN for participants from Poland, 10 Euros for participants from other countries. The amount should be transferred to the account: Stowarzyszenie Tworcow CONTUR, ul. Roosevelta 17, 90-056 Lodz, mBank, account no. PL66 1140 2017 0000 4902 0245 4189 (SWIFT: BREX PL PW MUL), and the confirmation of payment should be attached to the submitted work. 
I. Only works complying with the requirements will take part in the competition. 
İ. The works allowed in the competition will be shown at the exhibition of competition works during the 29th International Festival of Comics and Games. The organizers reserve the right to verify the participants’ works which are to be presented in the exposition. After the end of the festival exhibition the works might be shown in other cities in Poland. 
J. All participants will be granted free entry to all festival events. What is more, all participants whose work will be featured in the festival catalogue will get a free copy of it. 
*3 A. The works will be evaluated by a jury appointed by the organizers. 
B. The jury, after examining all the submitted works, will choose the Grand Prix, the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize and three special awards. 
C. All the winners will obtain financial prizes. Grand Prix – 7 000 PLN, 1st prize – 4 500 PLN; 2nd prize – 3 500 PLN; 3rd prize – 2 000 PLN; three special awards – 1 000 PLN each. Proper tax will be deducted from all prizes. 
D. The results will be announced on September 15, 2018, during the 29th International Festival of Comics and Games in Lodz. 
E. The winners will be informed about the results before the festival and invited to participate in the ceremony – travel expenses will be reimbursed by the festival.
*4 A. The organizers reserve the right to publish chosen works in the catalogue of the competition, in promotional publications, in special extra publications, press releases and on the Internet as a form of promotion of the author, comics and the competition. Furthermore, the organizers will have the right to print or publish digitally the works, with no authorization or fee, in the future years. 
B. Submitting the work to the competition is equal to transferring the author’s economic rights to the organizer in order to use the submitted works in the areas mentioned in article 50 of the act from February 4, 1994 about author’s rights and affined rights (Dz. U. 2017 poz. 880). 
C. Participation in the competition is equal to agreeing to the processing of personal information by the organizer in accordance with the regulation for the protection of personal data passed on August 29, 1997 as long as the data will be revealed in the process of the competition and in accordance to its rules. According to article 24, paragraph 1 of the regulation for the protection of personal data (Dz. U. 2016 poz. 922), the organizer of the competition informs the competitors that their personal data will be processed in the organizer’s residence on the basis of the voluntary agreement of the competitor concerning executing the competition’s rules in order to promote comics and the competition itself. Each participant has a right to inspect his personal data and to apply corrections. 
D. Submitting the work by a participant means that the work does not derogate the rights of third parties, especially does not infringe copyright or author’s economic or personal rights and that the participant has the consent of anyone whose image is used in the work to use it in order to participate in the competition. The participant is responsible for any claims consequential to the violation of the rights of a third party. 
E. Furthermore, submitting the work to the competition is equal to agreeing to share their personal data with a publisher interested in cooperating with the participant (unless the participant decides otherwise and will enclose a proper statement in the submitted work). 
F. After the series of the exhibitions has ended, the originals of the works will be available in the office of the Department of the Center of Comics and Interactive Narration of “EC1 Lodz – Miasto Kultury”, ul. Targowa 1/3, 90-022 Lodz or will be returned by post. 
G. The rules are the only basis to conduct the competition, and their interpretation belongs to the organizers and the competition’s jury. 
H. Taking part in the competition means accepting its rules. 
E. The organizer reserves the right to change the rules. 

Application form click here-Katılım Formu için Tıklayın

XX Open International Competition for Satirical Drawing Zielona Góra 2018 ph. "LIGHT" IŞIK

Poland 31 May 2018

Provincial and Municipal Public Library C. Norwida in Zielona Góra and the Lubuskie Association of Cultural Action Fans DEBIUT announce the 20th Open International Competition on Satirical Drawing. This year's edition of the competition will run under the slogan "LIGHT".
This year we are celebrating the round, jubilee edition of our competition. The competition is a cyclical event of international scope. Every year, it attracts participants from over 40 countries of the world, who together send a few hundred drawings to the competition. In the classification of similar events in the world, we are in the forefront. The competition provides for four statutory prizes [the Grand Prix winner will additionally receive a statuette] and special prizes. To make the tradition happen, we plan, as every year, to publish a post-competition catalog, which is already the object of desire for collectors and lovers of drawing jokes. Those who value fun are encouraged to take part in the competition, as it is aimed at both professionals and amateurs.
The task for the participants of the competition is to promote a sense of humor, distancing themselves and others, the ability to take the world with a pinch of salt. Many debatable situations can be unloaded with an electrifying joke.This year's slogan is to provoke observations and reflections that shed light on ... Light. It has played and continues to play a huge role in the history of mankind. Light is necessary for life. It determines the rhythm of human existence, allows you to see the world, stimulates to action, improves mood, gives joy and a sense of comfort, is a harbinger of a new day. Currently, the condition that meets the needs of people is artificial light. In the world, from all around us tempting us with innovation and technological innovations, it is impossible to imagine life without electricity. This is no longer a luxury - it's everyday life. We're addicted to her! There is no light without light and no life.
The light as the motto of the competition is very inspiring - it consists of all colors.
Most of us like to shine, many would like to dim the light of others, be on the candlestick, wallow in the spotlight. Those who let the light beat their eyes prefer to live in the shadow of the others. With the candle you can look for those who like to cast a shadow on them. We all try to avoid the situation when the candles are in our eyes. We like when our life becomes brighter.
However, light does not exist without darkness. When we immerse ourselves in the Egyptian darkness, the view of human nature is sharpened. Secrets of the night and dreams strip us of the masks, behind which we hide in the full light. In such situations, the moon's light, the flame of a candle or the glaring eyes of somebody play a magical role. Until the dawn again shines. Some things, if they see the light of day, make us shine our eyes. Others, presented in a new, better light, allow to see the light in the tunnel. We find that the devil is not as scary as you ... you light up.
What do devoted satirists of figures from around the world think about it? We invite all who want to shed light on the issue to take part in the competition. Remember: Light bypasses those who hide in the shadow. So the game is worth the candle. Let's give ourselves a green light, let's put a smile on, which costs less from electricity and gives more light.
Works can be sent by the end of May 2018. It is worth keeping the deadline so that you do not have to extinguish the candles. We cordially invite you.
"Completed with the financial support of the City of Zielona Góra
as part of the celebrations of the century of regaining independence by Poland. "

Regulations of the competition - Yarışma Kuralları

Application form - Katılım Formu

 Mihailescu Cristian Exhibition 14-25 March 2018 Romania

Opening:14 March,2018 at 17:00

Daily Güncel


Karikatürcü Muharrem Akten Vefat etti..

1958 - 05.03.2018

1958 doğumlu karikatür ve portre sanatçısı arkadaşımız Muharrem Akten'i 05.03.2018 tarihi itibariyle kaybettik. Muharrem Akten'i 06.03.2018 salı günü Düzce ili,Merkez Cedidiye Camisi'nde öğle vaktinde cenaze namazından sonra Düzce'nin Derdin Köyü'ne defnedilecektir.Aşağıda Muharrem Akten'in karikatürlerinden örnekler görmektesiniz..

Muharrem Akten arkadaşımıza Allah'tan rahmet,ailesine ve karikatürcü arkadaşlarımıza da baş sağlığı diliyoruz... Karcomics Mizah Dergisi

International cartoon contest "Shelter for the avant-gardist"- St.Petersburg

Russia 1 May 2018 @

Art Centre "Pushkinskaja-10" announces the International cartoon contest "Shelter for the avant-gardist".
Art Gallery "Art-League", Partnership "Free culture" and Museum of nonconformist art, continue the "NOTA BENE!" project.
The theme of the contest is the role and place in the public life of those artists who defend their creative freedom. Competition focuses on Russian independent commune of artists and musicians "Pushkinskaya-10" and the Museum of nonconformist art. 
The motto of the competition: "Shelter for the avant-gardist".
We hope that the cartoonists will find enough humor to show the multifaceted, contradictory phenomenon, which today is a contemporary art, the place and role of the artist in modern society.
1. Participants must send their works (TIFF, JPG, resolution at least 300 dpi) to the following e-mail address: with the subject "Application for the competition". 
The letter must indicate the name, biography, work technique and contact details. 
The size of cartoons is free.
The number of cartoons is unlimited.
2. Deadline of works reception - May 1, 2018.
3. Time and place of the exhibition: June 30 - July 29, 2018. Art Gallery "Art-League ", Ligovsky Prospekt 53, St.Petersburg. 
click here
The works selected by the jury will be presented at the exhibition in Art-Center "Pushkinskaya-10" and will be included in a virtual album-catalogue. 
Participants who will take 1-3 places by the decision of the jury, as well as audience sympathies, will receive awards and prizes. 
The audience award is determined by
voting online at click here
Each exhibitor will receive a personal diploma.
Email address for inquiries and forwarding entries:
The curators of the project: Victor Bogorad, Yuli Rybakov.
Phone: (812) 764-5371

4 Mart 2018 15:07 / Vasiliy Alexandrov

Pavel Zehnscht & Sergey Sichenko Exhibition

We invite everyone to visit the exhibition of paintings and graphics "ZOO" artists Pavel Zehnbacht and Sergey Sichenko which will be held at: Haifa, Tveria 15 str.
Opening of the exhibition on Thursday, March 22 at 18.30
The exhibition will last from March 22 to May 15, 2018.

İsmet Efe Resim Sergisi 19 Mart - 6 Nisan 2018

Açılış:19 Mart 2018 Pazartesi Saat 14:00
İstanbul Anadolu Adalet Sarayı Şehit Mehmet Selim Kiraz Sergi Salonu ( E Blok / Zemin Kat )

Isparta Belediyesi "Kitap" Konulu Karikatür Yarışması Sonuçlandı...

Isparta Belediyesinin düzenlemiş olduğu kitap konulu karikatür yarışmasının sergisi ve ödül töreni 3 Mart 2018 Cumartesi günü Isparta Gökkubbe Fuar ve Kongre Merkezinde 2. Kitap Fuarının açılışında yapıldı.
Yarışmada dereceye giren çizeler ve eserleri şu şekilde sıralandı..
1.Ödül: Alaettin ÇEVİKBAŞ - Isparta, 2.Ödül: Emrah ARIKAN - Ankara, 3.Ödül: İsmail KAR - Adana
Mansiyonlar: Lütfü ÇAKIN - Aydın, Oğuz GÜREL - İstanbul, Rıfat KÜÇÜKŞAHİN - Isparta

Birincilik Ödülü: Alaettin ÇEVİKBAŞ - Isparta

İkincilik Ödülü: Emrah ARIKAN - Ankara

Üçüncülük Ödülü: İsmail KAR - Adana

Mansiyon: Lütfü ÇAKIN - Aydın

Mansiyon: Oğuz GÜREL - İstanbul

Mansiyon: Rıfat KÜÇÜKŞAHİN - Isparta

15-18 Yaş Grubu Eşit Ödül Kazananlar: Merve Nur KOÇER, Alptekin KAYA, Esma Zülal KALAYCI
9-14 Yaş Grubu Eşit Ödül Kazananlar: Damla KARASU, Zeynep Nisa KUNTBİLEK, Selman PAMUKÇU

Eugênio Neves Exhibition March-April 2018

Daily Cartoons Güncel Karikatürler

Dado Kovačević - Croatia

Kıbrıslı Türk Karikatürcülere Teşekkür Belgesi

Geçtiğimiz Yıl Düzenlenen İki Toplumlu Kültür Festivali’ne Katkıları Nedeni ile, Emekçi Halkın İlerici Partisi (AKEL) Kültür İşleri Bürosu’ndan Kıbrıslı Türk Karikatürcülere Teşekkür Belgesi verildi.

(01 Mart 2018 – Lefkoşa) Emekçi Halkın İlerici Partisi (AKEL) Kültür İşleri Bürosu tarafından geçtiğimiz yıl düzenlenen “İki Toplumlu Kültür Festivali”nde ve AKEL’in hazırladığı çeşitli yayınlarında eserleri yer alan Devran Öztunç, Mehmet Ulubatlı, Leyla Çınar, Musa Kayra, Hüseyin Çakmak, Dolgun Dalgıçoğlu, Mustafa Tozakı, Mustafa C. Azizoğlu, M. Serhan Gazioğlu, Cemal Tunceri ve Arif A. Albayrak isimli Kıbrıs Türk Karikatürcüler Derneği üyelerine teşekkür belgesi verdi. 
Bu amaçla, 28 Şubat 2018 tarihinde, Emekçi Halkın İlerici Partisi (AKEL) Genel Merkezi’nde gerçekleştirilen törene, AKEL MYK Üyesi Kostas Kostas, AKEL Kültür İşleri Bürosu sorumluları ve Kıbrıs Türk Karikatürcüler Derneği yetkilileri katıldı. Her iki örgüt yetkilileri, törenden sonra yaptıkları toplantıda, iki toplumun yeniden yakınlaşması amacı ile, kültürel – sanatsal etkinlikler gerçekleştirmek için ilke kararı aldılar.
Bu arada, “Kıbrıslıların kaygılarını ve mücadelelerini çizgileri ile çeşitli platformlarda yıllardır yansıtmakta olan; bu konuda etkinlikler gerçekleştiren” Kıbrıs Türk Karikatürcüler Derneği’ne, AKEL MYK Üyesi Kostas Kostas tarafından Onur Plaketi takdim edildi.

1 Mart 2018 04:41 / Hüseyin Çakmak

Serkan Sürek'in Bu Haftaki Konuğu İsmail Kar...

KKTC'de yaymlanan Yeni Bakış Gazetesi'nin "Karikatür  Atölyesi" isimli sayfanı hazırlayan ve yine KKTC'de yaşamını karikatürcü kardeşimiz Serkan Sürek bu hafta Karcomics Magazine Web Sitesi Sahibi,Türk Karikatürcü İsmail Kar'ı konuk ederek okurlarıyla buluşturdu..Kendisine Kolay Gelsin diyoruz..Yeni Bakış Gazetesinin konuyla ilgili sayfasını internet ortamında görmek için tıklayın...>>

26 Şubat 2018 18:52 / Serkan Sürek

Tantana 44.Sayı Yayınlandı..

4th Salao Int. ECOCARTOON Online Cataolog

Online Cataolog for Click Here - Tıkla

3th Salao Int. ECOCARTOON Online Cataolog

Online Cataolog for Click Here - Tıkla

Uluslararası Mirasımız Kudüs Karikatür Sergisi 1-15 Mart 2018

Our Heritage Jerusalem International Cartoon Exhibition 1-15 March 2018

March 1, 2018, at 17:30 hrs. "Opening" in the Museum of Turkish Islamic Arts Museum / Sultanahmet - ISTANBUL

50th World Gallery of Cartoons - Skopje 

Macedonia 31 March 2018 P

Dear friends cartoonists, It is a time to conquer the world with your cartoons again! 
OSTEN is inviting you to participate in the 50th WORLD GALLERY OF CARTOONS Skopje 2018 
Download the
Application Form, fill it, submit it along with your works and you can win one of the following awards:
FIRST AWARD for Cartoon (1000$)
FIRST AWARD for Satiric Drawing (1000$)
FIRST AWARD for Comic / Strip (1000$)
CICO AWARD (for Macedonian cartoonist)
Following our principle of creating and preserving the art on paper, only ORIGINAL WORKS (hand drawn cartoons, satirical drawings and comics) will be considered in the selection process. They should be sent no later than 31st March 2018 to our address: 
8.Udarna Brigada 2, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia

Selector: Erdogan BASOL, Turkey (Cartoonist)
Jury members:
Ann TELNAES, USA (Editorial Cartoonist in the Washington Post)
Ross THOMSON, UK (Cartoonist)
Mostafa RAMEZANI, Iran/France (Cartoonist & Graphic Designer)
Vladimir KAZANEVSKY, Ukraine (Cartoonist and Lecturer on the Theory of Cartoon Art)
Mice JANKULOVSKI, Macedonia (Artist, Cartoonist and representative of OSTEN)
The jury activities will take place in April 2017, and the official opening of the 50th WORLD GALLERY OF CARTOONS Skopje 2018 and
the announcement of the awards will take place on 25th May 2018 at the OSTEN Gallery, Skopje.
Download the
Application Form, fill it, submit it, follow us on FB, and do not forget to share this information with your colleagues and friends. For additional information, you can always contact us on:

Zonguldak'ta Kitap Karikatürleri Sergisi 3-31 Mart 2018

18th World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition

Canada 13 April 2018 @

1. The theme for the 18th International Editorial Cartoon Competition is: The high price of a free press 
Press freedom around the world is in danger as journalists are threatened by government censorship, organised crime and commercial pressures.
Online content is being controlled by a handful of internet companies whose processes lack transparency, and most countries restrict access to a range of websites.
2. Prizes: three prizes will be given: a first prize of $1000 plus a Certificate from Canadian UNESCO, second and third prizes of $500. All sums are in Canadian dollars. Ten additional cartoons will receive an ‘Award of Excellence,’ Regrettably no financial remuneration accompanies the Awards of Excellence.
3. Only one cartoon will be accepted from each cartoonist. It may be either in color or black and white and must not have won an award.
4. The size of the cartoon should not exceed A4; 21 by 29.2 cm; or 8.50 by 11 inches. Cartoons should be in jpeg format at 300 dpi
5. The name, address, telephone number and a short biography of the cartoonist must be included in the submission.
6. The Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom shall have the rights to use any of the cartoons entered in the Competition for promotion of our Editorial Cartoon Competition.
7. The winners of the Cartoon Competition will be announced at the World Press Freedom Day Luncheon held at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, Canada on Thursday May 3, 2018 as well as being advised by e-mail. The winner’s names and their cartoons will be posted on the CCWFP web site.
8. The winning cartoons will be exhibited at the luncheon.
The deadline for receipt of cartoons is midnight GMT, Friday, April 13, 2018.
Send submissions by e-mail to : 

Ayrancıoğlu Ailesinden Karikatür Sergisi Maltepe - İstanbul'da...

Karikatür sanatçıları Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu ve Behiç Yalçın Ayrancıoğlu ile genç çizerler Dağlar Umut Ayrancıoğlu ve Didar Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu'nun karikatürlerinin yer alacağı sergi 2 Mart 2018 Cuma günü saat 18:00'de Maltepe Belediyesi, Türkan Saylan Kültür Merkezi'nde açılıyor...

2-10 Mart 2018 tarihleri arasında açık kalacak sergide çizerlerin sevgi, çevre, barış, emek, özgürlük vb. temalı yaklaşık 80 adet karikatürü yer alacak.

26 Şubat 2018 18:37 / Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu

23.Nehar Tüblek 2018 Similar Benzer

16 th International comic showroom VELES 2018

Macedonia 20 Augst 2018 @ P

- The competition is open to all comic artists from all over the world.
- Entries must be 1-6 pages long. If the entry is only one page long it must have at least 5 panels.
- Entries must be sent in A4 format (21 x 29,7cm). Please send only quality print copies (300 dpi). The submitted prints will not be returned! 
- No specific theme is set.
- The storytelling in the comic can be written in any official language.
- Each visual artist (pencil, inker, colorist or letterer) can take part with only one submission, while each scenarist can enter with more than one submission.
- The same comic entry can be submitted by more than one artist.
- Each participant must send: photography, short biography, personal address, telephone, e-mail and additional info of the year when the comic is made. Without this the submission will not be evidenced!
- All submitted comics will be presented properly and will take part in the official comic showroom in Veles; and will be considered for other possibilities of promotion as stated in the Comic Centre’s policy.
- With the act of submission the author/s is/are passing the rights of publishing in any form to the Comic Centre of Macedonia.
- The entries will be reviewed by three member international jury.
- The jury will give the following awards:
1st award: “Golden Comic”, 200 EU and Diploma;
2nd and 3rd award: Diploma;
Best scenario award: Diploma;
Award for the youngest author: Diploma;
Award up to 18 years: Diploma.
- The deadline for entries is August 20th, 2018.
- The comics can be sent via postal service or e-mail.
Postal address: Comic centre of Macedonia
“For the comic competition”
Vasil Gjorgov Street 78
1400 Veles 

Sardine Contest Festas De Lisboa'18 

Portugal 19 March 2018 @

*Article 1 - (Object) 
1. "Sardine Contest Festas de Lisboa’18" is the initiative of EGEAC, Empresa de Gestão de Equipamentos e Animação Cultural, E.M., S.A. (hereinafter called EGEAC), that aims to stimulate the participation of all in creating the image of the sardines that will be used as part of Festas de Lisboa’18 campaign. 
2. The patrimonial author rights over the winning sardines belong exclusively and originally to EGEAC, according to Article 14, nr. 1 of the Portuguese Code of Copyright and Related Rights which includes the rights foresee in articles 67º, 68º and 159º of the same Code such as the reproduction, distribution and the communication to the public, which includes, namely, the disclosure, the publication in press or by any other means of graphic reproduction, public exposure, fixation, distribution, broadcasting by any process of sign, sound or image reproduction, the adaptation to any material support or the execution of any other transformations, the use in another work, the reproduction, direct or indirect, temporary or permanent by any means and in any form, in whole or in part. 
3. The provided in the previous number includes any kind of use for non-commercial purposes, being the use for commercial purposes object of specific and autonomous contract. 
4. The patrimonial author rights are EGEAC’s property definitively and without time limit, with regard to non-commercial use, being, in commercial uses, the object of a specific agreement to be included in the contract mentioned in previous number. 
5. For purposes of Article 14, nr. 4, of the above mentioned Portuguese Code, the use of the selected and winner proposals for the purposes laid down in this regulation, does not confer upon its author(s) the right to any further financial provision or to any other benefit in kind, being the copyright originally, for those purposes, in the property of EGEAC. 
6. The use of the winner proposals, in the terms of the nr. 2 above, for advertising or communication projects, such as exhibitions, free distribution publications, and similar, according to article 159, nr. 1 and 2 of the above mentioned Portuguese Code. 
7. The sardine proposals, when used by its authors or a third party (f/m), must include a reference to the participation in the Sardine Contest Festas de Lisboa’18. Prior knowledge of any use should be given to EGEAC. 
8. The participation in the "Sardine Contest Festas de Lisboa’18", by submitting a sardine proposal implies the total acceptance of the conditions presented in this Regulation. 
*Article 2 - (Conditions for participation) 
1. This contest is open to all Portuguese and foreign, resident and non-resident in Portugal, legal or natural persons (f/m) of all ages. 
2. EGEAC workers, Lisbon City Council workers and jury members, as well as their spouses, ascendants and descendants are impeded to apply to the "Sardine Contest Festas de Lisboa’18". 
3. Proposals may be submitted individually or collectively (co-authored); each author is allowed to submit a maximum of three sardine proposals. 
4. The candidates are responsible for the proposal’s originality, assuring its authorship and assuming all the responsibilities that may run from eventual complaints from third parties with relation to author rights, related rights and rights of personality. 
*Article 3 - (Questions) 
1. Questions regarding this Regulation should be sent to the following email address: 
2. The solutions for the situations mentioned above in the present article, as well as for the omissive situations, are EGEAC’s exclusive responsibility and will be disclosed by it and by the means considered convenient. 
*Article 4 - (Proposals essential requirements) 
1. The submitted sardine proposals shall be mandatorily original and unpublished. 
2. Proposals must be recognized as sardines and not to be confused with any other fish. A basic sardine silhouette is provided in
3. Sardine proposals may be executed with manual or digital techniques, under the following conditions: 
a) proposals in manual techniques (on paper/cardboard, collage, photography or three-dimensional object) should be photographed or scanned in order to be attached to the application form as a file. The file should be presented as JPEG/JPG (size up to 50 MB), on a format A3 (42 x 29,7 cm) and a resolution of 300 dpi; 
b) the digital proposals should be presented as JPEG/JPG files (size up to 50 MB), on a format A3 (42 x 29,7 cm) and a resolution of 300 dpi; 
c) the video proposals should be presented as MPEG/MPG or MOV files (size up to 50 MB). 
4. Sardine proposals cannot contain any element of identification of its author(s) (f/m) or any brand label, including Festas de Lisboa label. 
*Article 5 - (Mode, place and date of submission of proposals) 
1. Participation in this contest only takes place online on the website
2. The candidates should firstly register and login on the above mentioned website ( 
3. Each sardine proposal should be attached, as a file, on the application form on the website , by fill in the application form. 
4. To each sardine proposal an application form should be filled in and submitted. 
5. Other situations specified and pre-determined on the website ( 
a) Underage candidates application: the registry should be done under the author’s name. The parents/legal guardian details are also requested in the registry and should be filled in at proper section. b) Institutions, enterprises, schools, private social charity institutions, NGO’s and collective entities application:  the registry should be done under the institution’s name, but a responsible person should be appointed and duly identified in the registry form. 
*Article 6 - (Contest Phases) 
1st phase: Reception of proposals and exclusion of those that don’t fulfil this Regulation; 
2nd phase: 
a) Pre-selection of 100 (one hundred) sardine proposals, by Jury to be designated by EGEAC, among all the proposals validated by the competition; 
b) Selection of 5 (five) winning sardines by Jury to be designated by EGEAC, among all the 100 proposalsmentioned above; 
c) Selection of 5 (five) proposals of honorable sardines, chosen through public voting on social 
networks, from the same pre-selection of one hundred proposals, excluding the five winning sardines. 
*Article 7 - (Prizes) 
1. Five (5) sardines will be awarded. 
2. To each winning proposal it will be given a monetary prize, in the amount of € 2,000.00 (two thousand euros), tax free. 
3. Prizes can only be given upon presentation of the candidate’s receipt in accordance with Portuguese tax law. 
4. Five (5) honorable mentions will be awarded, distinguished with a non-pecuniary prize defined by EGEAC. 
*Article 8 - (Contest Jury) 
1. All the proposals accepted are selected by a jury appointed by EGEAC. 
2. Proposals are selected anonymously, without any identifying element of their authors (f/m). 
3. The jury will take into consideration the following factors in selecting the winning proposals sardines: 
a) the readability and the adaptability of the proposal to the different communication materials. 
b) the originality and creativity of the proposal. 
4. Jury’s decisions are taken by majority, not permitting any recourse or reclaim over them. 
* Article 9 - (Contest Schedule and divulgation) 
1. The schedule to be considered by the candidates is: 
a) Deadline for proposal submission: 19th of March 2018; 
b) Deadline for announcement of winning proposal: 31th of May 2018. 
2. The winners (of the five prizes and honorable mentions) (f/m) will be informed by email or telephone.

International Graphic Humor Competition CUSCO

Peru 14 October 2018 @

Theme HONESTY, weapon against corruption For centuries and for different circumstances and factors, our societies have been corroded by a terrible scourge: corruption.
This evil is embedded in all levels and spaces where human values ​​are deteriorated or do not exist, conditioning our growth in every way. In the face of this type of contamination of the spirit there is an antidote that can be enormously effective if it is applied and cultivated since childhood. We refer to HONESTY.
That is why the objective of this contest is to add to the particular efforts and group, private or state, to achieve and / or enhance individual and collective development, with integrity and freedom.
CARTA de TINTA, the INSTITUTO CULTURAL PERUANO NORTEAMERICANO CUSCO, and the NATIONAL UNIVERSITY DIEGO QUISPE TITO, we invite you to participate in this event with the warm welcome of all the Cusqueños and all Peruvians.
1. All illustrators and graphic humorists resident in any part of our Mother Earth, amateur or professional, from 18 to 120 years of age, of any civil status, religious or sexual militancy, will be able to participate. The members of the Contest Organization can not participate.
2. The subject on which the works should be inspired is HONESTY, a weapon against corruption.
3. Each participant may submit a maximum of 3 illustrations, without dialogues, or parliament or balloons. The works may or may not have achieved some consideration or award in other similar events, but must be original and proper to the author who sends them, that is, the copies and / or plagiaries detected by the jury will be disqualified immediately (the story of the mistake of the secretary or the homage to a certain teacher, does not work).
4. The technique is totally free, in color or in black and white, and its delivery will be digital, in 21cm X 30cm, in JPG (horizontal or vertical), in RGB colors, in high resolution (300dpi). The name of the file will be the title of the work.
5. When sending each illustration, a one-page Word document containing the title of the work, the name of the author or authors, email, telephone, address and country of origin must be attached, as well as a brief curriculum of no more than of 15 lines, a passport-type personal photo and a miniature of the work.
6. The last day of sending will be on October 14, 2018. And the works should be sent to the following address:
7. Awards endorsed by our sponsors:
FIRST PLACE USD 1,000. = + diploma
SECOND POSITION USD 500. = + diploma
THIRD POSITION USD 250. = + diploma
HONORABLE MENTION (those that the Jury deems appropriate) diploma The results will be announced on November 7, 2018 and officially published at
8. The qualifying jury will be composed of five members, all important and recognized national and international graphic professionals. Its failure is unappealable.
9. If after the jury's decision, it is still detected that any of the participating works is plagiarism or a copy of another work, the author or authors will assume all the legal responsibility that the situation demands, in addition to the disqualification and return of the prize, if the work had been awarded.
10. The most important works will be part of an itinerant exhibition that will circulate in different rooms of Cusco and Peru. A larger selection of participating illustrations will be part of the virtual catalog.
11. By participating in this contest, the author accepts all the conditions mentioned in these rules, and transfers the rights of his illustration to the Contest Organization for use in various publications, including audiovisual applications, related to the International Graphic Humor Competition THE SONA INCA,
For any information about the contest, contact
Pepe Sanmartín
General Director of the Organizing Committee 

Yeşilay 2018 Similar Benzer

57th Knokke Heist 2018 Grand Prize Similar Benzer


Mehmet Aslan "İplematik" 12-18 Mart 2018

Results 57th International Cartoon Competition of Knokke-Heist 2018 sonuçlar

Grand Hat: Sadeghi Saeed

Silver Hat: Vasco Gargalo

Bronze Hat: Ivailo Tsvetkov

Davidsfonds prijs: Jo Lieben

Similars  Benzerler 


X.Festival International of Humor of the Amazon - Ecology in Trace

Brazil / 15 February to 05 May 2018 @


May 26 to June 4, 2018 - Belém-Pará-Brazil
1. Nature and scope of the XFestival International of Humor of the Amazon - Ecology in the Trace intends to be inserted in the calendar of events of humor of Brazil and of the world, with the objective to stimulate and to divulge the production of the graphic humorists. It is important that this humor room is a graphic gallery to show the talent and criticism of all the cartoonists concerned about the ecological problems that afflict our planet, particularly the Amazon.
2. Deadlines: The X International Festival of Humor of the Amazon - Ecology in the trait will be held from June 1 to 10, 2018, at the Hangar - Convention Center of the Amazon, Belém-Pará-Brazil, within the XXII Pan Amazon Book Fair.
Application period: 15 February to 05 May 2018;
d) Opening and Awards of the Salon: May 27, 2018;
e) Closing of the Festival (Belém-Pará): June 4, 2018;
3. Modalities and Selection
Theme A: Ecology (Mandatory) - In this category all unpublished cartoons that deal with ecological problems and which have not been awarded in other events are considered. 50 papers will be selected.
Theme B: Caricature - In this category are considered all the unpublished caricatures of any recognized personality and that have not been awarded in other events. 50 papers will be selected.
4- Artists and directors of any nationality may participate;
b) Cartoons and Caricatures: Scanned or computerized works, 300 dpi, A3 format or 30 x 40 cm, RGB color mode, jpg (average) obeying the maximum limit of 1.0 MB will be accepted, unpublished works will be accepted, or works that have not been awarded in other halls or festivals;
d) Fill in the registration form with all the data of the participant: full name, artistic name, complete address with zip code, headphones, email, RG, CPF, bank details, works titles, production year, attach together with the works and send to email:
c) Each participant may submit to the competition 02 (two) works by modalities: 1- Theme A: Ecology (compulsory), B: Caricature;
d) The registration of cartoons and / or cartoons selected in the previous editions of the Salon of Humor of the Amazon or in other Festivals and that are not unpublished are forbidden;
5. The Judging Commission
a) The organization of the 9th International Humor Festival of Amazonia will constitute a Pre-selection Committee that will indicate the works that will integrate the exhibitions.
b) The Judging Committee shall be composed of five members of well-known competence;
c) The chairman of the Judging Committee shall be an artist specially invited for this purpose;
d) The Judging Committee shall be responsible for awarding honorable prizes and mentions;
f) The decisions of the Judging Committee and the Pre-selection Commission shall be sovereign and unappealable;
6. Works and originals
a) The works sent for selection will not be returned and will be part of the collection of the Humor Hall of the Amazon;
b) The Project Organizers reserve the right to use any registered work, at any time, for the purpose of disseminating the event and / or carrying out project roaming by Brazilian states and municipalities.
c) No work shall be offered for sale or used for commercial purposes;
d) When submitting your registration form and work (s) the participant accepts and agrees automatically with all the rules of the contest;
8. Copyright
a) The act of registering a work automatically implies the assignment of the respective reproduction rights for non-commercial purposes;
XSalon International of Humor of the Amazon - Ecology in the Trace
May 26 to June 4, 2018 - Belém-Pará-Brazil
9. Awards
a) In total, three prizes will be awarded: Theme A: Ecology: 1st place: R $ 2,000.00 (gross value) - Theme B: Caricature: 1st place: R $ 2,000.00 (gross value) subject to accounts of the winners)
b) The value of the premiums is subject to the legal taxes and bank fees in force at the time of their attribution / transfer;
The 9th International Humor Fair of the Amazon - Trace Ecology will take place in the city of Belém, State of Pará, from May 26 to June 4, 2018, in the Hangar - Convention and Fair Center of the Amazon.
Email to send the registration form and works:
Application form
Full name:
Complete address:
City State:
Email: Phone:
Bank account:
Ecological Theme: (required)
(01) Title:
(02) Title:
(01) Title:
(02) Title
Email to send:

Altunçul Kardeşler Karikatür Sergisi 3-31 Mart 2018

Results of 4th International Competition for Caricature "BRIDE’S VENERATION" Sonuçlar

The 4th International Competition for Caricature "BRIDE’S VENERATION" is realized as the author's project of Stojance Velichkovski, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia and the municipality of Kriva Palanka, announces the results of the received 430 works from 40 countries on the topic: 
Thema: "Before and After (The Marriage) Konu : Evlilikten önce ve Sonrası... "
Awarded Cartonists - Kazanan Karikatürcüler:
The 4th International cartoon contest "Bride Veneration’s" Village Konopnica, Kriva Palanka – Republic of Macedonia (Аuthor's project of Stojance Velichkovski)

* First prize – Trophy “Nevestulka“(eng.Weasel, lat.Mustela Nivalis) $200 + Gold Medal,and a Certificate for participation Dariusz Dabrowski / Poland ;
* second prize – $150 + Silver Medal,and a Certificate for participation Valentin Georgiev / Bulgaria;
* third prize – $100 + Bronze Medal, and a Certificate for participation Ali Shafei / Iran;
* Special awards: Plaque - The best collection, and a Certificate for participation Oleg Gutsol (Ukraine).
Certificates for successful work*(The certificates will be sent to the .pdf format): Klaus Pitter / Austrija, Soltan Soltanli / Azerbaijan, Alisson Ortiz Affonso/ Brazil, Cival Einstein / Brazil, Ivailo Tsvetkov / Bulgaria, Jovcho Savov / Bulgaria, Yang Xia / China, Damir Novak / Croatia, Roberto Sergio Castillo Rodriguez / Cuba, Steffen Jahsnowski / Germany, Istvan Kelemen / Hungary, Blaze Dokuleski / Macedonia, Miro Georgievski / Macedonia, Luka Lagator / Montenegro, Cornel Chiorean / Romania, Milenko Kosanovic / Sеrbia, Snežana Čomor / Serbia, Goran Celichanin / Serbia, Oğuz Gürel / Turkey, Vladimir Kazanevsky / Ukraine, Oleg Loktyev / Ukraine

Gürbüz Doğan Ekşioğlu ‘’Benim Kedilerim’’ Resim Sergisi 17 Şubat - 31 Mart 2018'de Antalya'da...

Gürbüz Doğan Ekşioğlu’ nun en önemli eserlerinden oluşan özel bir seçki ‘Benim Kedilerim’ adıyla, 17 Şubat 2018 Cumartesi günü 17:30 da Şebnem Bahar Art & Design Gallery’de (Yeşilbahçe Mahallesi 1457 Sokak No:8, 07160 Antalya)açılıyor. 
İbrahim Karaoğlu küratörlüğündeki sergi 17 Şubat - 31 Mart 2018 tarihleri arasında sanatseverlerin ziyaretine sunulacaktır.

Ersin Karabulut 4 Mart 2018'de Büyülü Dükkan'da...

HomurCUK 23.sayı için Karikatürleriniz...

Değerli Dostlar; Metal İşçilerinin mücadeleci sendikası DİSK Birleşik Metal İş Sendikası ile HOMUR Mizah ve Karikatür Grubunun ortak projesi olan HomurCUK ‘ un 23.sayısının hazırlıklarına yiğit metal işçilerinin metal patronlarına karşı verdikleri mücadeleyi kazandıkları bu günlerde yazar-çizerlerimizin de bir tutam emeğinin olduğu inancı ve coşkusu ile başladık.
HomurCUK 23. Sayısını Türkiye’nin geçirmekte olduğu olağanüstü şartlarda sınıf mücadelesini taviz vermeden sürdüren sendikamızla beraber hazırlayacağız.
Nisan 2018 ayında çıkacak sayımızın başlıca konuları ;
*İşçi sınıfımızın BİRLİK-DAYANIŞMA ve MÜCADELE günü olan 1 MAYIS başta olmak üzere,
* Ülkemizi sıcak olarak ilgilendiren Barış,Göç, Göçmenlik, Nükleer Santrallar, Çevre, Hak, Hukuk,Kadın, Çocuk işçiliği ,Çarpık kentleşme, Sağlık, vd. Bizi rahatsız eden konular dergimizin başlıca konuları olacaktır.
HomurCUK 23.sayıyı hep birlikte yaratmak için bu konuda ki eserlerinizi 9 MART 2018 Cuma Gününe kadar göndermenizi rica eder, kolaylıklar diler HomurCUK 23.sayıyı yaratmak için göndereceğiniz eserler için şimdiden teşekkür eder,
Dostluklarımızı iletiriz.Saygılarımızla.
HOMUR Mizah ve Karikatür Grubu

16 Şubat 2018 23:32 / Canol Kocagöz

10th Salao MedPlan de Humor 2018

Brazil 2 April - 18 June 2018 @ P

1- Registration: April 2 to June 18, 2018
The 10th Medplan Humor Salon is open to all graphic artists, who can register works of their own (subject to non-observance of this condition by cancellation of registration or cancellation of prizes received), which have not been awarded until the closing date of the entries, in the modes of charge and / or cartoons, caricature and comic strips. The comic strip should have only one page. If you choose the comic strip, the artist can put up to 5 comic strips on the page. The opening of the hall will be on July 28, with the announcement of the winners. Each artist can register with a maximum of 5 (five) works in the format 30X40 cm and using any technique in the three categories: cartum / cartoon, caricature and comic strips. The full name of the author, address, e-mail, telephone number, ID number, CPF and bank account must be written on the back of each drawing or in the e-mail. The artist can participate by sending his works through the site, (with a maximum size of 3 megabytes) or sending the originals to:
10th Medplan Humor Lounge
Rua Coelho Rodrigues, 1921 - Downtown
Zip Code: 64000-080
Teresina - PI
The theme of the 10th Medplan Humor Lounge will be PAQUERA.
2- Awards:
First place (charge / cartum): R $ 5,000.00 (five thousand reais)
Second place: R $ 3,000.00 (three thousand reais).
Medplan Caricature Award: R $ 2,000.00 (two thousand reais). Free theme.
Medplan Award for Comics / comic strips: R $ 2,000.00 (two thousand reais) for those who make the best comic / comic strip. Free theme.
Internet Premium: R $ 2,000.00 (two thousand reais). The Internet Prize will be chosen by Internet users, from July 9 to 13, at the
site click here - tıklayın
The best works will be part of the traveling exhibition of the 10th Salon Medplan of Humor. The awarded works will be considered acquisitive and will become part of the Medplan collection. The works will not be returned.
Medplan employees, their relatives, or anyone involved in your organization may not participate in this meeting. If the award jury finds fraud or plagiarism in any work enrolled, it may cancel the prize awarded. The result of the award may be challenged up to four days after the opening of the Exhibition, with adequate proof of any irregularities committed without the jury's knowledge.
Simple enrollment automatically sets up participant agreement with all terms. Further information about the venue: (86) 99975 2514

Gafsa International cartoon Forum in Tunissia

Tunisia 30 JUIN 2018 @

* THEME : 
- 1 WORK 
- 2 FREE
* DEADLINE : 30 JUIN 2018
For More Details facebook click here

Online Cartoon Magazines & Catalogs Arsiv / Sanal Karikatür Dergiler ve Kataloglar Arşivi

Daily & Weekly Cartoons Arsiv Click Here

Karcomics Magazine Arsiv / Click Here-Tıklayın-->> 

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